One of America's National Treasures
•Eric Kelly III, one of the leading African America's Expressive artists in the last three decades, his work reflects on the connections between images and the bold lines, the linkages between art and humanity, and the understanding of society through abstract and Expressive art. Born in Washington DC he graduated with a Visual Communications degree from the North Carolina Central University in 1982. Mr. Kelly has focused on Expressive art form since 1971. Over time he has developed a unique style using abstract images and bold lines to express his feelings through art. Mr. Kelly is a master Pastelist and also illustrates and paints as well. Mr. Kelly creates various images of historical moment in time, based on his unique analysis. Mr. Kelly’s drawings, and paintings, reflect extensively on how he has defined and created the art of abstract and Expressive into a form of art.
• Mr. Kelly’s art draws on his individual experiences to paint a complex, multi-dimensional image with the use of bold lines and abstract images. In creation of this art form, Kelly’s creative cadence detours from the sheer pursuit of beauty and celebrates a conscious engagement with social realism and political Expressive. In ways never clearly explained before now. Kelly’s artistry, seen as a type of satire or parody, is inevitably tied to abstract and Expressive, and the elevation of the spirits of humankind. His art form developed over five decades is called ABSTRACT EXPRESSIVE.
•Eric Kelly III is an Artist, historian, author, singer, and poet; he is the founder of North Carolina Artist Hall of Fame where he teaches the Art of Abstract Expressive. In his work, you will explore how art satirists manipulate themes and use parody as a form of Expressive in their content. While some artist uses a serious tone to persuade their audiences to accept their perspective on various issues, some artist specifically uses humor to convey a serious message.
•Eric uses abstract and Expressive to convey his feeling of lines, shapes and the freedom of space to express his feelings. He uses themes that are sometimes a parody or satire to depict his emotions in his artistic creations. Eric Kelly III quite frankly is art satirist who also uses parody in his art. He uses abstract and Expressive forms of art together as a direct visual persuasion to draw emotional conclusions form his audiences. His parodies in his art are an imitation of an image that he sees with the idea of sometimes ridiculing the image or theme that he draws. His work exploits the peculiarities of an image or the persons Expressive—the propensity to use eyes that stares, over the top of emotions or facial Expressive, the use of certain movements, or other elements of images in his themes.
•Kelly’s Art uses concepts, color, and sometimes lines to expose humanity’s vices and foibles, giving impetus, or momentum, to change or reform through ridicule, with abstract and Expressive. It is this manner of drawing that mixes a critical attitude with wit and humor in an effort to improve mankind in the way audiences view subjects and themes. His art is a type satire that sometimes pokes fun at human foibles with a witty even indulgent lines and tones. Sometimes Kelly’s work seeks to criticize, rather than attack, immorality or stupidity. His work is a deliberate exaggeration to achieve an effect or an overstatement of an image. His work for the untrained eye is characterized sometimes as over the top caricature.
•A caricature is an exaggeration or other distortion of an individual's prominent features or characteristics to the point of making that individual appear ridiculous or funny. Yet in viewing Mr. Kelly’s work that way it takes away his creativity and mission to be a pioneer in creating a style that releases his freedom as an artist. His style is Abstract Expressive, an idea created in emotional thought, which also has physical existence of color, bold lines and nontraditional shapes that depict the human experience.
•Mr. Kelly III uses parody and satire in his work to both recognize a particular social issue. In his Art the artist Eric through his paintings explains how s his work can be seen as a parody of historical moments. Attending an art show by the leading abstract Expressive gives the audience a chance to reflect on the ways in which he uses humor to simultaneously explore and analyze political or cultural events. Parody and satire are powerful tools he uses for communicating his ideas through works of art to today's society. His use of large off the page images that leaves the audience to image what is beyond the space that he does use. His images and lines dominate the audience’s space by its size and boldness.
•His depiction of political satire in a given society reflects the intolerance or intolerance that characterizes it, and the state of civil liberties and human rights. Under totalitarian regimes any criticism of a political system, and especially satire, is suppressed. While art satire of everyday life is beautiful and complicated, Mr. Kelly also uses parody art images to express his inner turmoil for American abstract Expressive. For More information be sure to call or email at 919-308-9090 or